
Cuneiform Records "Name Your Price" compilation album on Bandcamp

Cuneiform Records, a leading label in progressive and adventurous music, marks 31st year of its existence in 2015. Now they releases 16 song compilation album, The Albums of 2015, that features one and a half hours of music selected from albums that they released in 2015. It is available to stream or download at a price of your choosing via Cuneiform's Bandcamp page: https://cuneiformrecords.bandcamp.com/album/the-albums-of-2015

1. Schnellertollermeier - X (Part I) [from X] 06:31
2. Le Rex - Le Clic [from Wild Man] 04:55
3. Pixel - Nothing Beats Reality [from Golden Years] 05:01
4. Guapo - Obscure Knowledge I (excerpt) [from Obscure Knowledge] 05:30
5. The Kandinsky Effect - Somnambulist [from Somnambulist] 04:36
6. Soft Machine - Hazard Profile (excerpt) [from Switzerland 1974] 06:55
7. Michael Gibbs & the NDR Bigband [w/ Bill Frisell] - On The Lookout/Far Away [from Play a Bill Frisell Set List] 07:54
8. Adam Rudolph / Go: Organic Guitar Orchestra - Heliotropic [from Turning Towards The Light] 02:48
9. Richard Pinhas - Sur Le Theme De Bene Gesserit VII [from Chronolyse] 04:34
10. Sonar - Black Light [from Black Light] 05:34
11. Raoul Björkenheim / eCsTaSy - Uptown [from Out Of The Blue] 04:44
12. Rob Mazurek / Exploding Star Orchestra - The Arc of Slavery #72 (excerpt) [from Galactic Parables: Volume 1] 08:20
13. Thinking Plague - Lycanthrope [from In This Life] 07:17
14. Mike Osborne - An Idea [from Dawn] 05:38
15. Michael Gibbs & the NDR Bigband - ‘Tis As It Should Be [from In My View] 05:41
16. Henry Kaiser & Ray Russell - guK Ten LIMPo [from The Celestial Squid] 09:07



Eivind Aarset I.E. 31.10. v Jazz Docku

Eivind Aarset, norský kytarista s jedinečnou hudební vizí, která absorbuje mnoho hudebních druhů při zachování velice individuálního přístupu, vystoupí se svým kvartetem I.E. 31. října v pražském klubu Jazz Dock. Svou kariéru zahájil v osmdesátých letech jako studiový hudebník a ve světě se zviditelnil účinkováním v elektronických formacích trumpetisty Nilse Pettera Molvaera. Spolupracoval také s Andy Sheppardem nebo Dhaferem Youssefem. Kromě klasických vzorů typu Jimiho Hendrixe nebo Terjeho Rypdala je na jeho hře patrný také vliv hráčů na klávesové nástroje. Své první album nazvané Électronique Noire vydal v roce 1998 a tento debut byl popsán v New York Times jako "album jednoho z nejlepších post-milesovských elektrických kytaristů". Následovala řada dalších, všechna u labelu Jazzland Recordings. V listopadu 2012 vyšlo jeho šesté album Dream Logic, které pro něj znamenalo debut pro ECM Records a bylo výrazně klidnější než předchozí nahrávky. Koncertní provedení jeho skladeb je nezvyklé už jen tím, že vystupuje se dvěma bubeníky a dynamické rozpětí je obrovské, ambientní kytarové zvuky jsou také doplněny nejrůznějšími laděnými perkusivními nástroji (zvonkohra, xylofon) a efektovanou baskytarou.

Eivind Aarset - guitar
Audun Erlien - bass
Wetle Holte - drums
Erland Dahlen -  drums & percussion

Zde si můžete přečíst rozhovor s hlavním protagonistou na webu ČRo Jazz.



Album of the week: RAOUL BJÖRKENHEIM eCsTaSy :: Out Of The Blue (Cuneiform 2o15)

Raoul Björkenheim: electric guitar
Pauli Lyytinen: bass, tenor and soprano saxophones, mey
Jori Huhtala: double bass
Markku Ounaskari: drums

Music by Raoul Björkenheim except 6 by Jori Huhtala and 3, 5, 8 by eCsTaSy
Recorded 19-21 November 2014 at E-Studio, Helsinki.
Produced by Raoul Björkenheim.

Several years after work with drummer Edward Vesala and revolutionary quartet Krakatau (2 ECM albums) plus number of releases with Scorch Trio, finnish guitarist Raoul Björkenheim is back with acoustic quartet format. Powerful, rock driven jazz.



MOSTLY OTHER PEOPLE DO THE KiLLiNG in Prague, October 2, Jazz Time


Moppa Elliott / bass
John Irabagon / saxes
Ron Stabinsky / piano 
Kevin Shea / drums

October 2, Jazz Time Club Prague, 8pm



 All Music Review by Michael G. Nastos

Mostly Other People Do the Killing (yes, that's the name of the group) are mainly inspired by towns or villages in the state of Pennsylvania, and the music of Ornette Coleman. This is evident when you look at the cover art of this CD, a direct reference to Coleman's legendary album This Is Our Music. Nicely dressed young men in suits and ties, MOPDTK look only slightly like mad jazz pioneers, but in fact they seize the precepts of Coleman and are making inspired new music beyond others in their peer group. Moosic is also the name of a city in Pennsylvania, and there are others to which the band dedicates these selections. The stars of the group are trumpeter Peter Evans and saxophonist Jon Irabagon, both leaders in their own right and contributing exponentially to the brash soul and extroverted solos that identify the group sound. Bassist Moppa Elliott is the ostensible leader and the wellspring for the compositions referring to the Quaker State, while drummer Kevin Shea is probably the most energetic, frenetic, fierce, and wild-assed player this side of Han Bennink. Together MOPDTK create some of the most vibrant, exciting, and original music in modern-day progressive jazz. There's a circus-like, clownish element à la Lester Bowie quite evident in pieces such as the choppy "Two Boot Jacks" with additional yakkity, untamed references from Irabagon to Boots Randolph. Blending Bowie's humor with the multi-ethnic style of Don Cherry, Evans is particularly tuneful, stewing in an R&B brew for "East Orwell." Mixing metaphors of Danny Elfman's Batman theme, Kurt Weill, and Claude Debussy, "The Bats in the Belfry" waltzes along until the trumpet of Evans busts out with zeal and enthusiasm. The blues remain a major factor on the funky rock boogaloo workout "Drainlick," driven by the nutty drumming of Shea, inspiring it to disintegrate into free urban sounds, then bop. A dirty shuffle from Shea is installed in a low-toned then frantic "My Delightful Muse." You also get the spy-toned hard bopping "Fagundus," where Shea is everywhere at once; the children's tune "Biggertown" warped by free blowing furious bop; and a funky Bowie-like "cover" of Billy Joel's "Allentown." The selection paying direct homage to Coleman's harmolodic approximate note theory is the 12/8-based "Effort, Patience, Diligence," where admitted clichés are tossed left and right -- mostly left -- with some added blues-hued sweetness. MOPDTK have been winning substantive awards and fans who dare to be different, and they are steadily on the rise toward being one of the premier acoustic creative ensembles on the American landscape. This effort does nothing to deter their meteoric ascension, and is highly recommended.


Truffaz Quartet s novým bubeníkem a albem

Do Čech a na Slovensko se vrací jeden z nejvýznamnějších a nejuznávanějších jazzmanů současnosti, francouzský trumpetista ERIK TRUFFAZ se svým kvartetem, aby tu v předpremiéře představil skladby z nového alba Doni Doni. Tento skvělý a originální hudebník, kritikou označovaný za Milese Davise acid jazzu a jednoho z velkých hudebních inovátorů, má na svém kontě dosud téměř dvacítku alb včetně kompilací a živých nahrávek, a také vícero prestížnych ocenění. Na turné sa představí se svými tradičními spoluhráči: Marcellem Giulianim (bass), Benoîtem Corbozem (piano / Fender Rhodes / Hammond B3) a s novým, mladým bubeníkem Arthurem Hnatekem, který hraje třeba s další novou hvězdou jazzu, pianistou Tigranem Hamasyanem. V kvartetu nahradil dlouholetého a zakládajícího člena Marca Erbettu.

Tuzemští hudební publicisté si v souvislosti s rodilým Švýcarem Truffazem oblíbili přezdívku „neúnavný hudební novátor“. Ne nadarmo – jeho věčnou touhu po objevování a experimentování dokazuje třeba album Arkhangelsk, které myšlenkově inspiroval koncert v polární části Ruska. Hudebně je kolektivním výtvorem kvarteta, jehož všichni členové jsou mimochodem fanoušky skupiny Radiohead. Na jazzové zvyklosti se jedná o překvapivě relaxační album, stojící na jemně plynoucím rytmu a výrazných refrénech. I když Truffaz je respektován jako stěžejní postava současného jazzu, jeho hudba hranice žánru přesahuje.

Všetci ze současného kvarteta sa podieľali aj na natáčaní nového albumu DONI DONI, vychádzajúceho v januári 2016 na značce Parlophone. Truffaz si ale k spolupráci na ňom prizval aj ďalších umelcov - svetoznámu afrospeváčku Rokiu Traoré z Mali a svojho dlhoročného priateľa a uznávaného francúzskeho hiphopera Oxmu Puccina. Podľa Erikových slov mu bola pri tvorbe nového albumu bohatou inšpiráciou aj krásna a čarovná spolupráca s juhoafrickou tanečnou skupinou Vuyani, ktorá sa podpísala aj pod konečným farebným koloritom albumu. Absolútna súhra tohto kvarteta, šlapajúca rytmika, hypnotické klávesy, presne vykreslená basa a neúnavné bicie, posúvajúce vpred, tvoria jeden hudobný organizmus a zároveň dokonalý podklad pre extatické, no zároveň éterické Truffazove trúbkové sóla, poskytujúce nám celkom nový, atmosferický hudobný zážitok. V tomto prípade nie je dôležité, akým žánrovým označením by sme ho, ak to je vôbec možné, pomenovali. Spokojme se s citací jeho vlastných slov: „Nesnažím sa byť tým či oným. Chcem byť len sám sebou, berúc si inšpiráciu z vecí, ktoré milujem.“ A o tom, že je svojský a sám sebou tým úplne najlepším spôsobom, nemôže byť pochýb. Príďte sa o tom presvedčiť na některý z koncertů. (sestaveno s použitím propagačních materiálů pořadatelů)

12.10. Klub Parník, Ostrava
13.10. Atelier Babylon, Bratislava
14.10. Jazz Tibet Club, Olomouc
15.10. Palác Akropolis, Praha
16.10. Měšťanská beseda, Plzeň

Jeden můj starší článek o Eriku Truffazovi na serveru ejazz.cz
Rachot.cz - pořadatel pražského koncertu 


First jazz gig at wonderous Žižkostel, Prague, Czech Republic

World premiere of acoustic duo improvisation by two members of renowned quartet LiMBO - saxofonist a clarinetist Pavel Hrubý, founder of the band, and drummer Dušan Černák, wonderful Slovak talent and junior member of Limbo.

Second part of the evening is open to experimentation with significant role for COUNT PORTMON, 

Album of the week: HARRY MiLLER :: Different times, different places (2014)

Ogun OGCD 041 Different times, different places

Harry Miller, bass; Louis Moholo-Moholo, drums; Chris McGregor, piano (tracks 1-3); Keith Tippett, piano (tracks 4-7); Mike Osborne, alto saxophone; Marc Charig, trumpet (tracks 4-7); Nick Evans, trombone (tracks 1-3); Malcolm Griffiths, trombone (tracks 4-7).

    Bloomfield (06.08)
    Quandry (08.14)
    Touch hungry (09.04)
    Mofolo (12.53)
    Something like this (10.54)
    Touch hungry (12.54)
    Eli's song (17.12)

Tracks 1-3 recorded in London on 4 June 1973; tracks 4-7 recorded at the Chateauvallon Jazz Festival, France on 7 July 1976.


Album of the week: RUDRESH MAHANTHAPPA - Bird Calls (2o15)

Adam O’Farrill: trumpet
Rudresh Mahanthappa: alto saxophone
Matt Mitchell: piano
François Moutin: acoustic bass
Rudy Royston: drums

ACT Music + Vision [ACT 9581-2]
Released February 27 2015
Recorded 04, 05 2014 at Systems Two, Brooklyn, NYC

Saxophonist Rudresh Mahanthappa about his Charlie Parker tribute album "Bird Calls"



Album of the week. HAMiD DRAKE & MiCHAEL ZERANG - Ask The Sun (USA 1997)

Tribal-hypno acoustic duets by two masters of percussion and drum instruments.

Hamid Drake — tabla, drum set, djimbe, conga, frame drum, bells, gongs, shakers, cymbals, tambourine, didjeridoo, voice (Zirk of the Heart)
Michael Zerang — dumbek, frame drums, tambourine, drum set, trap set, dawoola, bells, gongs, cymbals, chimes, bass drums, didjeridoo

Recorded at Airwave Studios, Chicago, IL, September 14-15, 1995
("The Black Basement" recorded live at Club Lower Links, Chicago, IL, May 19, 1991 by Sundell Close)

Released on OkkaDiask, 1997


18. narozeniny World Music Festivalu RESPECT nejen na Ladronce

18. narozeniny s nejbohatším programem v historii!
SO 13. červen - NE 14. červen, 13:00


Zahajovací koncert:

HORTUS MUSICUS (Estonsko) 26. 5., Rudolfinum

Doprovodný program v Paláci Akropolis:

DRUM-IN - bubenický workshop pro nejmenší s Milošem Dvořáčkem 28. 5.
HAILU MERGIA (Etiopie, Austrálie) + ZEA (Nizozemsko) 1. 6.
PAOLO ANGELI (Itálie) - workshop - preparovaná kytara 12. 6., Galerie Školská 28
FUMAÇA PRETA (Venezuela, Velká Británie, Nizozemsko, Brazílie, Portugalsko)+ DJ Alex Figueira-Vintage Voudou (Venezuela) 21. 7.

Hlavní program:
13. + 14. 6. Park Ladronka Praha 6


LULA PENA (Portugalsko)

Atrakce v areálu:

Žonglování / bublinář Václav Strasser / dílnička animace od Aeroškoly / fotokoutek / letadlo Libora Veselého / interaktivní objekty Marianny Stránské / výstava plakátů Rachotu / prezentace neziskových organizací / prodej hudebních nosičů a publikací / školička Hospodyňky s profesionálními chůvami


Speciální narozeninové vstupné - se vstupenkou na hlavní program 100 Kč sleva na všechny doprovodné koncerty!

Do 1. 5. Dvoudenní 350 Kč
Od 2. 5. Dvoudenní 570 Kč, jednodenní 470 Kč, rodinná 600 Kč (pro pár + libovolný počet dětí do 15 let)
K zakoupení přes předprodejní sítě GoOut, Ticketpro, Ticketportal, Eventim

Slevy: cyklisté + studenti 50 Kč, ZTP a děti do 15 let zdarma




Album of the week 2: RAVi COLTRANE - Spirit Fiction (USA 2o12)

Ravi Coltrane, tenor & soprano sax
Joe Lovano, tenor sax (trks. 9 & 10)
Luis Perdomo, piano (trks. 1, 3, 4, 7, 11)
Drew Gress, bass (trks. 1, 3, 4, 7, 11)
E.J. Strickland, drums (trks. 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 11)
Ralph Alessi, trumpet (trks. 2, 5, 8, 9)
Geri Allen, piano (trks. 2, 5, 8-10)
James Genus, bass (trks. 2, 5, 8, 9)
Eric Harland, drums (trks. 2, 5, 8, 9)

They all are stepping into whole new dimensions on this.

Released 2o12 on Blue Note


Album of the week: BLACK SABBATH - Sabbath Bloody Sabbath (UK 1973)

Black Sabbath
  • Ozzy Osbourne – vocals (all tracks), synthesizer (tracks 5 and 6), handclaps (track 7)
  • Tony Iommi – guitars (all tracks), piano (tracks 3, 4, and 6), synthesizer (tracks 5 and 6), harpsichord (track 3), organ (track 7), flute (track 7), handclaps (track 7), bagpipes (track 8)
  • Geezer Butler – bass guitar (all tracks), synthesizer and mellotron (6), handclaps (track 7), nose flute (track 8)
  • Bill Ward – drums (all tracks except 3), timpani (tracks 6 and 8), handclaps (track 7)
Additional personnel

Produced by the band and Tom Allom and recorded at Morgan Studios in London in September 1973. Released in December 1973. Sabra Cadabra Prog! :o)



Album of the week: SOFT MACHiNE - Fourth (UK 1971)



1. Teeth [MR] (9:14) - 2. Kings And Queens [HH] (5:02) - 3. Fletcher's Blemish [ED] (4:37) // 4. Virtually (Part 1) [HH] (5:15) - 5. Virtually (Part 2) [HH] (7:06) - 6. Virtually (Part 3) [HH] (4:39) - 7. Virtually (Part 4) [HH] (3:18)

Mike Ratledge (organ, electric piano, piano) - Hugh Hopper (bass guitar) - Robert Wyatt (drums) - Elton Dean (alto sax, saxello)
Roy Babbington (double bass [1/3/4/6]) - Mark Charig (trumpet [2/3/4]) - Nick Evans (trombone [1/2/4]) - Jimmy Hastings (flute [6], bass clarinet [1/6]) - Alan Skidmore (tenor sax [1/6])

Recorded 13 Oct-18 Nov 1970 at Olympic Studios, London.
Released 1971 on CBS Records.



An Evening with Steven Wilson in Prague

Frontman Porcupine Tree STEVEN WILSON vystoupí 5. dubna v Praze v Divadle Hybernia!

Steven Wilson (*1967), britský hudebník, multiinstrumentalista a producent známý především jako zakladatel, kytarista a zpěvák skupiny Porcupine Tree. Byl za svoji uměleckou činnost již nejednou nominován na Grammy. Mezi desítkami hudebníků a skupin, s nimiž produkčně spolupracoval, figurují např. Jethro Tull, Yes, King Crimson, Opeth nebo Pendulum. Přestože od vydání jeho zatím předposlední desky The Raven That Refused To Sing (And Other Stories), která ve Velké Británii stanula mezi 30 nejprodávanějšími alby, uplynul jen rok, Steve Wilson už je tu s novinkou. "Nové album na jednu stranu víc vychází z jazzu, ale využíváme na něm také hodně elektoniky a přímočarých, tedy aspoň na mě hodně přímočarých, popových melodií", prozrazuje Steven Wilson o desce, která pod názvem Hand. Cannot. Erase. vyšla v únoru. "Nové album bude víceméně kombinací celého mého repertoáru, veškerou hudbou, kterou jsem dosud dělal." V rámci Hand Cannot Erase turné budou moci strávit "An Evening With Steven Wilson" také návštěvníci pražského koncertu v Divadle Hybernia, pro který si Wilson přiveze vlastní technické vybavení - zvukovou i světelnou aparaturu.

Velikou zásluhou Stevena Wilsona jsou také nové mixy klasických progrockových alb, především King Crimson a naposledy vynikající Relayer od Yes. Na svých vlastních albech kombinuje paradigmata a nálady progrocku v originálním a moderně znějícím provedení, zatím asi nejzdařileji na předposledním The Raven That Refused To Sing (And Other Stories). Myslím, že označení Mr. Eklektik, které nedávno ve facebookove diskusi obdržel od publicisty Jaromíra Merhauta, Wilsonovi sluší. V sestavách jeho alb se pochopitelně objevují zajímavá jména, například saxofonista a flétnista Theo Travis (Soft Machine Legacy, Gong, Travis & Fripp). Kdo s ním přijede na pražský koncert není známo.

Více na www.stevenwilsonhq.com


Album of the week: ERiC REViS QUARTET - In Memory Of Things Yet Seen (Clean Feed 2o14)

Darius Jones: alto saxophone
Bill McHenry: tenor saxophone
Branford Marsalis: tenor saxophone [#05,#11]
Eric Revis: double bass
Chad Taylor: drums

Clean Feed CF 294, Released 2014
Recorded Samuri Hotel Studios, Queens, NY.



Akropole přivítá jaro s pompou fanfár - v březnu pohostí držitele Grammy, kytaristu Marca Ribota (19.3.) a Winstona McAnuffa & Fixihoautory písně roku i účinkující veletrhu Womex (25.3).

Tato nápadná trojice muzikantů se představí v Paláci Akropolis během jednoho březnového týdne. Co lze čekat od každého z koncertů, zjistíte níže.


Album of the week: PHAROAH SANDERS + ADAM RUDOLPH + HAMiD DRAKE - Spirits (Meta 2ooo)

Recorded live at the Montreal Jazz Festival in 1998.

Personnel: Pharoah Sanders: tenor saxophone, vocal, wood flutes, hindehoo; Hamid Drake: trap drums, vocal, daf, tabla, frame drums; Adam Rudolph: congas, djembe, udu, thumb piano, talking drum, bendir, bamboo flute, overtone singing, gong, percussion.



Album of the week: ELTON DEAN'S NiNESENSE - Happy Daze & Oh! For The Edge (UK 1977 / 76)

"HAPPY DAZE", OG 910, Ogun 1977. Reissued on OGCD 032

ELTON DEAN - alto sax & saxello. ALAN SKiDMORE - tenor sax. HARRY BECKETT - trumpet. MARK CHARiG - trumpet, tenor horn. NiCK EVANS - trombone. RADU MALFATTi - trombone. KEiTH TiPPETT - piano. HARRY MiLLER -  bass. LOUiS MOHOLO - drums.

Recorded at Redan Recorders, London on 26 July 1977


"OH! FOR THE EDGE", OG 900, Ogun 1976. Reissued on OGCD 032

ELTON DEAN - alto sax & saxello. ALAN SKiDMORE - tenor sax. HARRY BECKETT - trumpet. MARK CHARiG - trumpet, tenor horn. NiCK EVANS - trombone. KEiTH TiPPETT - piano. HARRY MiLLER -  bass. LOUiS MOHOLO - drums.

Recorded live at Grass Roots Jazz Club at the 100 Club, London on 22 March 1976.

Two only albums by Elton Dean's large group, released during its lifetime. Reissued od single CD


Archival release of Mike Osborne - Dawn on Cuneiform

From Cuneiform Records Press release:

In the history of British jazz, there were few voices as unmistakable as Mike Osborne's alto saxophone, but his story is one of the tragedies of British jazz. Within 15 years of his first recordings, simmering mental illness had taken over and forced him away from his musical compatriots in vibrant London and brought him back to his native Hereford (near the Welsh border), where he lived under care until his death in 2007, his saxophone silent for decades.

But during his career, Osborne was one of British jazz's most versatile players, working with members of the various spheres creating a new indigenous British jazz: the Spontaneous Music Ensemble circle; the crowd around the South African Blue Notes; members of the Canterbury Scene; and the modernists centered on John Surman.

Dawn presents Osborne in both his earliest surviving recording, as a co-leader with Surman of a quartet from 1966, and in 1970 with the first known recordings of his mighty trio with the transplanted South African rhythm team of Harry Miller and Louis Moholo. These unearthed recordings not only fill in important gaps in Osborne's own discography but in the history of British jazz as a whole.

The first six tracks, recorded in 1970, are by his trio, his main vehicle as a leader and featuring his most long-standing partners in Miller and Moholo. The band only made two albums during its lifetime, Bordercrossing and All Night Long. Dawn is significant for presenting the trio years before these sessions and demonstrating that the group's sound, marked by Osborne's tart melodicism, Miller's brawny lines and Moholo's propulsive freedom, was established at the beginning of their partnership.

Listeners will then travel back four years earlier, with four recordings taken from a period when names now famous were just coming out from the shadow of Britain's traditional jazz scene. Osborne, 24, is there in his first recording, Surman, 21, in only his second, supported by Miller and drummer Alan Jackson. This was an era of formal suits and allegiance to the innovations in American jazz happening on labels like Blue Note and ESP-Disk', reflected in the performances and the material.

In all, there is well over an hour of excellent quality, previously unheard and unreleased recordings here, as well as a 12 page booklet with informative liner notes and many previously unseen photos. This is an important document historically, but even more importantly, it's really great music.

Dawn was released 03 February 2015

Mike Osborne : alto sax
Harry Miller : double bass
Louis Moholo : drums [1-6]
Alan Jackson : drums [7-10]
John Surman : baritone sax, soprano sax [7-10]

Tracks 1-3 were recorded in London, UK, August 1970.
Tracks 4-6 were recorded in London, UK, December 1970.
Tracks 7-10 were recorded at Regent Sound, London, UK on June 9, 1966 by Eddie Kramer.

© 2015 Louise Palmer
(p) 2015 Cuneiform Records

Cuneiform blog with info on actual releases


Album of the week: TOM RAiNEY - Obligato (2o14)

Ralph Alessi: trumpet
Ingrid Laubrock: saxophones
Kris Davis: piano
Drew Gress: bass
Tom Rainey: drums

Label Intakt Records [CD 227]
Released 2014
Recorded February 28, 2013, Systems Two, Brooklyn


Pavel Hrubý releases his first solo album

End of 2014 saw release of  Between The Lines, first solo album by saxophonist Pavel Hrubý, leader of the group Limbo and member of various other groupings. Set of eleven tracks includes Hrubý on tenor, alto & soprano sax, bassclarinet and clarinet. Three solo spots are mixed with mostly duo tracks, where leader's partners are his Limbo colleagues František Kučera (flugelhorn, trumpet and little percussions), Miloš Dvořáček (percussions), Michal Nejtek (piano) plus Vertigo drummer Dano Šoltis. Final track, Peter Gabriel's Don't Give Up, arranged by Štěpánka Balcarová, is played by small chamber-like ensemble. Album was recorded during previous two years and released by Amplion Records as first title after re-activation of the label. So hopely there is more to come.

Amplion Records website soon *** webstore
 other webstore



Album of the week: DEAN / DUNMALL / ROGERS / LEVIN - ELTON (DLE051)

Elton Dean - alto saxophone, saxello
Paul Dunmall - tenor saxophone
Paul Rogers - double bass
Tony Levin - drums

1. Two and eleven 00:00
3. Eeedy Peedy 41:13

Recorded live at the Vortex, London. 28 September 1997
Cassette recording, photos and design: Andy Isham (DLE051)



Album of the week: HUGHSCORE :: Delta Flora (1999)


Elaine DiFalco (vocals, accordion, Wurlitzer & Fender Rhodes pianos, Vox organ, synthesizer); Fred Chalenor (guitar, bass); Hugh Hopper (bass); Tucker Martine (drums, percussion).

Additional personnel:

Jon Hyde (pedal steel guitar); Chrystelle Blanc-Lanaute (flute); Elton Dean (alto saxophone); Craig Flory (tenor saxophone); Dave Carter (trumpet); Robert Jarvis (trombone).

Recorded at Flora Avenue Studio, Seattle, Washington and Delta Studio, Chartham, Canterbury, England between September 1997 and September 1998.

Released on Cuneiform Records, 1999.


Album of the week: LOUiS MOHOLO / EVAN PARKER / PULE PHETO / GiBO PHETO / BARRY GUY QUiNTET :: Bush Fire (1995)

Louis Moholo - drums; Evan Parker - tenor & soprano saxes; Pule Pheto - piano; Gibo Pheto - bass (left); Barry Guy - bass, piccolo bass (right).

Recorded at Gateway Studios, London. July 1995.

Released as CD Bush Fire (Ogun 1997)

This is classy one. Crossroad of London free improvisation and London / South African The Blue Notes legacy. Quintet and various subgroupings.


Album of the week: LOUiS MOHOLO-MOHOLO QUARTET - 4 Blokes (2014)

JASON YARDE - alto & soprano saxes
JOHN EDWARDS - double bass

Recorded on 12 November 2013 by Ben Lamdin at Fish Factory Studios, London.
Mixed by Jason Yarde.

(c) 2014 Ogun Recordings Limited

Moholo Quartet plays simply high-octane interactive jazz and shows improvisational skills of all four musicians, as well as Louis' ability for leading the groups of various sizes. Music on the album continues in traditions of legendary South-African Blue Notes and British free improvisation too.


Gjertrud Lunde HJEMKLANG - "Pilgrim" feat. Arve Henriksen


Gjertrud Lunde, vocal / Florian Zenker, guitars, electronics / Wolfert Brederode, rhodes / Bodek Janke, drums, with guest: Arve Henriksen (trumpet)